
Static analysis reduces the risks of deploying software written in the C programming language.

Where possible we identify faults at compile time, before your software is deployed.

We check conformance with language standards:

  • ISO C99 Constraints
  • ISO C99 Undefined Behaviour

We do additional safety checks:


We perform analysis:

  • Control flow analysis
  • Range analysis

We annotate your source code to help you understand what’s going on.

We print reviews of internal information.

Basic Checks

XGC C Side employs static analysis to detect where basic checks are required.

Basic checks are:







The C programming language does not require basic checks and a program that would fail checks executes with undefined results. Programmers are expected to ensure that all necessary checks are in place, usually by making the checks explicit.

For example, a call the standard math library function sqrt should not be made with a negative argument. This would be a domain error. The following code catches this at run time.

sqrt (double x)
  assert (x >= 0.0);

We really ought to catch domain errors at compile time.

For a critical application, checks must be made at compile time. Run-time checks are not welcome.


A good programmer will employ run-time checks where necessary, but


Vulnerablility Check
signed integer operations Overflow_Check and Division_Check
floating-point operations Overflow_Check and Division_Check
compound literals Range_Check
aggregates Range_Check
casts and coercions Range_Check
function calls Domain_Check
pointer dereferencing Pointer_Check
array subscripting Subscript_Check


General checks

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